π VIC Invitation Round: 05 Mar 2025
@gregormendel (18H ago| Updated 5H ago)π VIC Invitation Round: 05 Mar 2025
VIC 491 Pre-Invite received EOI Creation date: 01/03/25 Youth Worker Points: 85 (Including state points)
β’β β Registered Nurses nec for sc190 at 65 / 80 pts, onshore
β’β β Midwife for sc190 at 80 pts, onshore
β’β β Early Childhood Teachers for sc190 at 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 pts, onshore
β’β β Secondary School Teacher for sc190 at 85 pts, onshore
β’β β Architect for sc190 at 70 pts, onshore
β’β β Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec for sc190 at 90 pts, onshore
β’β β Early Childhood Teachers for sc491 at 85 pts, onshore
β’β β Secondary School Teachers for sc491 at 85 / 90 pts, onshore
β’β β Social Worker for sc491 at 75 pts, onshore
β’β β Community Worker for sc491 at 90 pts, onshore
β’β β Community Worker for sc491 at 90 pts, offshore
β’β β Youth Worker for sc491 at 85 pts, onshore
β’β β Architect for sc491 at 90 pts, onshore
β’β β Chefs for sc491 at 85 / 90 / 100 pts, onshore
β’β β Carpenter for sc491 at 80 pts, onshore
Occupation | Points | Subclass | Onshore/Offshore |
ARCHITECT | 90 | 190 | ONSHORE |
CARPENTER | 75 | 491 | ONSHORE |
CHEF | 85 | 491 | ONSHORE |
CHEF | 90 | 491 | ONSHORE |
CHEF | 90 | 491 | ONSHORE |
CHEF | 90 | 491 | ONSHORE |
WELDER | 80 | 491 | ONSHORE |
I got my 491 pre invite today 65 points Working as a Cabler Regional vic Details: Age = 25 Education = 10 State = 15 Experience = 5 Skilled partner = 10 Total = 65 Submitted my EOI and ROI on 28/01/2025 Salary = 68k + Super
Invited Carpenter 65+15 ROI lodge 28/02/25 Living and working in regional 92k salary Single
Got invited today for 190π₯³π ECT- 75 points Onshore
Points breakup: Age- 30 English - 10 Qualification- 15 Australian study- 5 Partner- single - 10 Nomination- 5 Total- 75
190/491 | Occupation | Details | On/Offshore | EOI Points |
190 | Early childhood teacher | Working in VIC single | On | 80+5 |
190 | Early childhood teacher | Working in VIC, salary 73k, partner+10 points | On | 70+5 |
491 | Early childhood teacher | Working in VIC | On | 70+15 |
190 | Early childhood teacher | N/A | N/A | 65+5 |
190 | Early childhood teacher | Working VIC casual | On | 65+5 |
190 | Early childhood teacher | Working in VIC | On | 75+5 |
190 | Secondary school teacher | Working in VIC | On | 80+5 |
190 | Midwife | Working in VIC, salary 71K+, work+5 points | On | 75+5 |
491 | Community worker | N/A | Off | 75+15 |
190 | RNs nec | Working in VIC, salary 89K single | On | 75+5 |
190 | Architect | Working in VIC, work+5 points | On | 65+5 |
491 | Chef | Working in regional VIC, salary 65K, partner+10 points | On | 75+15 |
Source of this data?
from whatapp group
Can we join this group?
Got pre invitation for 491 as Chef at 85 points. ROI lodged August 2024! Living and working as a chef in regional VIC since April 2024! Time of pre-invitation 10:37 AM Below is my points breakdown with partner but my partner doesn't have english test and no skills assessment!!
Age 30 English 10 Edu 15 + 5 State 15 Exp 5 Naati 5
Working Full Time with Annual Salary of AUD 59616
312199 - Archifectural building and Surveying Tech nec. Subclass 190 85+5 Single Working in the industry
Salary 75k Onshore
Just got 190 invite at 65 points RN Further details unknown
I got 491 pre invite (Time-10:42Am) Occupation - Architect Points 90 partner 10 Working in my field (Casual) 32Hrs a week.
Just got invite of 190 75 points working as an ECT 65K salary ROI in Sep 2024
I got my 190 pre invite today 85 points ECT Working as an ECT Regional vic
ECT 491 - 85 points including state Living in regional and working as ECT for the past 9 months. Salary $80k
Got an 491 invite Community Worker at 90 points 75+15. Working regional in the nominated occupation. All the best to everyone waiting.
2 friends got invited for 491 one Social worker 75pts and one Community Service 90pts, both working in nominated fields.
Secondary School Teacher 491 Onshore 70 pts
Got pre invitation for 491 as chef at 90 points. EOI submitted March 2023 Anonymous member 169 just an hour ago. EOI lodged: March 2023 Points breakdown Aus education: 5 Age : 25 PTE : 10 NAATI : 5 Partner Skill : 5 Partner English: 5 Experience: 5 Masterβs Degree : 15 State points : 15 Living and working as a chef in regional vic for 2 years with 65 k package Time of pre invitation 10.37am
Received 491 invite at 90 points, Community Worker, offshore
Points breakdown: Age- 30 English- 10 Education- 15 Overseas Exp- 10 Single- 10 Nomination- 15 Total: 90 pts