Email received by NT applicants today: Thank you for your...
@gregormendel (1M ago| Updated 1M ago)Email received by NT applicants today: Thank you for your application for NT nomination under the General Skilled Migration (GSM) program. We are writing to provide an update on the processing of nomination applications for 2024-25.
As you may be aware, NT nomination program under the GSM program was suspended for new applications on 10 January 2025, with exemptions provided for certain visa deadlines that fall before 1 July 2025. Your application is in queue to be assessed, and you will receive an outcome before 30 June 2025.
We provide below some indicative processing timeframes by category:
Indicative Processing Times
Onshore Applicants - NT Graduate Stream – Currently processing applications lodged before 8 August 2024. - NT Resident Stream – Currently processing applications lodged before 21 August 2024.
Offshore Applicants - NT Family Stream – Currently processing applications lodged before 29 August 2024. - Job Offer Stream – Currently processing applications lodged before 7 October 2024. - Priority Occupation Stream – Processing of applications will commence shortly with outcomes to be communicated to all applicants before 30 June 2025.