STATE OF 189 As per FOI data till 31 January 2025 - Total...
@gregormendel (13H ago| Updated 13H ago)STATE OF 189 As per FOI data till 31 January 2025 - Total Grants: 12001 - FY Planning Level: 16900 - Remaining Planning Level = (16900-12001) = 4,899 - Visas waiting grant: 12340 - Next FY opening visa backlog = (12340 - 4899)=7,441 - Current FY opening backlog was ~8000
So if there are no more 189 rounds, then opening visa backlog for coming FY will be similar to the opening visa backlog for current FY (between 7K to 8K visas). If there is one more 189 round this FY, then the opening backlog will be higher.
So whether there will be one more 189 round or not, is now directly tied to to what the proposed Planning Levels for next FY will be and/or whether DHA want to have a higher opening backlog than the current FY.
@gregormendel Please provide the same stat for 491 too. Regards
Insights on 491, please?
Similar data for 491 here:
Thanks! Appreciate it.
Could you please tell about 190 as well?
someone made a post in Facebook group
Please share the analysis for 491 as well
there will be rounds for 190 and 491 because states have allocation left. Scroll down here (does not include preinvites currently being processed)