Canberra Matrix Invitation Round: 20 March 2025 The ACT has...
@gregormendel (3D ago| Updated 3D ago)Canberra Matrix Invitation Round: 20 March 2025 The ACT has a fixed number of nomination places available each month (pro-rata against the annual allocation). The highest ranked Matrix in each occupation were invited to apply for ACT nomination. The cutβoff for selection depended on the remaining monthly allocation, the date and time of Matrix submission, occupation cap and demand. The greater the demand for an occupation, the higher the rank of the Matrix score invited.
The minimum ranking score is an indication only and not a guarantee that an invitation was issued. Invitations will not be issued if you have an active application in the system; or if you have previously received ACT nomination.
Canberra Matrix submissions in occupations in critical sectors may be prioritised.
Canberra residents Matrix nominating Small Business Owners - 190 nominations: 5 invitations - 190 minimum matrix score: 120 - 491 nominations: 6 invitations - 491 minimum matrix score: 115
Matrix nominating 457 / 482 visa holders - 190 nominations: 36 invitations - 491 nominations: 7 invitations
Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations - 190 nominations: 206 invitations - 491 nominations: 263 invitations
Overseas applicants Matrix nominating Critical Skill Occupations: - 190 nominations: 36 invitations - 491 nominations: 80 invitations
2024-2025 Allocation of ACT Nomination Places: Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa: 1000 places Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa: 800 places
Application Count @ 21 March 2025 Total approvals: 1038 approvals - 190 Nominations: 547 approvals - 491 Nominations: 491 approvals
Total refusals: 92 applications - 190 Nominations: 44 refusals (7%) - 491 Nominations: 48 refusals (9%)
Approvals by residency status since the last invitation round - ACT Resident: 907 approvals (87%) - Overseas Resident: 131 approvals (13%)
Remaining Allocation 2024-2025 Total allocation remaining: 762 nomination places - 190 Nominations: 453 - 491 Nominations: 309