This post is regarding ACS skill assessment. So i started in...
@kamilsiddiqui (7H ago| Updated 7H ago)This post is regarding ACS skill assessment. So i started in a company with one abn i worked on that abn for 7months after that company changed the abn and I worked 5 more months after 1 year i submitted skill assessment with reference letter stating that from this date company moved me to another child company. I received the acs outcome in which they have given me 1 year positive skill assessment under the abn i started working initially. Now i am submitting eoi and if i get invite will it be a problem in proving my 1 year experience points? Please let me know i am super confused
If ACS has assessed you to have 1 year experience, you can use it. Just make sure to add your employment history correctly and mark the relevant experience as relevant to get points only for that, when you submit the EOI.
Thanks for helping me on this. But abn is different though it is a same company they moved me from one department overall company worker to work across different departments. And i am confused that you are saying that i should add my employment history correctly can you explain me more on this. Please