@gregormendel/@biotechy What happens after submitting...
@muggleblood (8H ago| Updated 8H ago)@gregormendel/@biotechy
What happens after submitting requested information by CO. Does the case goes to general pool again and sit there until it gets picked by CO ? Do they usually request information all at once ? Or can choose to send it part by part (inefficiently)
And one last thing, are we seeing a general trend of 1 month time for s56 to grant.
on the part by part bit: I think they request what they need to process (whats missing) your application at that time, nothing less, nothing more. This doesnt mean there can not be more S56s in future
no one can predict the exact timelines. But assuming you fulfilled your S56, the CO gets to your application at some points, could be same day or 3 month later, and processes it. When you tick the s56 fulfilled button, its likely the CO gets notified too.
You can deduce the trend of s56 to grant from the database entries (use Category filter = Visa S56). https://smartvisaguide.com/database