I claimed points for regional study, but I studied almost 10...
@dracos93 (10H ago| Updated 10H ago)I claimed points for regional study, but I studied almost 10 years back. The new regional list included all of Perth and in the website there's no mention that it doesn't apply to studies taken so long ago. Could this become an issue?
Whats not mentioned, doesnt apply, only whats mentioned applies. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-independent-189/points-table
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Ok, so I am good then. I just worry about this every now and then, especially after the recent post in the whatsapp group about a refusal.
I am assuming you studied in a regional area as it was defined at the time of study, and there are no other complications.
Probably best to discuss this carefully with your agent, instead of risking refusal.
I have no idea what was regional at the time. Hence my concern about what's not mentioned as well. I don't have an agent. Is it worth contacting home affairs?
In this page, they've only explicitly mentioned the new rules don't apply for 489 visa
Below that for 189 and 190, nothing is mentioned
Same language here that it applies only to 489
Section 16.1 of Schedule 6D might help, looks promising. https://www.homeaffairs.gov.au/foi/files/2020/fa-200601127-document-released.pdf
that was helpful, thank you. I actually did 2 courses, adding up to 4 academic years. I travelled back to India for at least a couple of months every year. Does that pose a concern? I see there's some allowance to travel within Australia outside a designated regional area, but not much on international travel.
Also, since it was so long ago, my bank account was closed and doesn't have any statements. I got an FOI letter from the bank that I held an account with them for the duration of my stay. I also attached my university ID card with the local transport card on the back, and several other proofs like physical orders to my address, letters etc. I hope this is sufficient.