I have been trying best for last 7 years to get invite. The...
@khalai_makhlooq (8H ago| Updated 8H ago)I have been trying best for last 7 years to get invite. The max I can do right now is 90 for 189 and 95 for 190. I have submitted ROI as developer programmer and EOIs for all states as Analyst programmer + Software And Application Programmer nec.
Why things just start feeling hopeless sometimes. Anyways, anyone who can share opinion on what my expectations should be with these scores in upcoming rounds? Most likely in next fiscal year!
Can you explain me the process which you have undergone, as per your profile you have submitted the EOI recently. Did you ever tried before this.
Your profile says your have 95 pts, including 20 for education. Is that correct?
@gregormendel Any insights you might be able to share based off your experience!