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Northern Territory (NT) FY2023-24 State Nomination Program is now open (491 Only)

Published 23 Oct 2023 / Updated 23 Oct 2023

Northern Territory (NT) FY2023-24 State Nomination Program is now open (491 Only)

Northern Territory (NT) nomination applications for 2023-24 now open for subclass 491

The NT Government will begin accepting new applications for nomination under the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) subclass 491 visa program from 23 October 2023.

A summary of key changes to eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • NT Graduates who hold a Temporary Graduate subclass 485 visa valid till at least 1 July 2024, or are eligible for such visa will not be eligible for nomination in this program year.
  • NT Residents who have not worked in their nominated or related occupation for at least 6 months in the NT will only be considered for nomination if they have been working in the NT for 6 months in a critical sector (health, aged and disabled care, education and childcare, hospitality).
  • The Priority Occupation Stream for offshore applications will be limited to 54 occupations listed on the new NT Offshore Migration Occupation List.

Note: Onshore applicants should make their applications well ahead of any visa expiry dates. Those who have visas expiring should seek professional advice on their visa options and ensure that they remain lawful during their stay in Australia.

It is the applicants’ responsibility to ensure that they meet visa eligibility criteria, including maintaining valid skills assessments and English test results.

Onshore 491 Occupation Eligibility

All occupations on the Skilled Occupation List are eligible.

Offshore 491 Occupation Eligibility

The following occupations are eligible for Offshore 491 nomination:

occupation_code occupation_name
0 141111 Café or Restaurant Manager
1 141311 Hotel or Motel Manager
2 233211 Civil Engineer
3 2333111 Electrical Engineer
4 233611 Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum)
5 241111 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher*
6 241213 Primary School Teacher*
7 241311 Middle School Teacher*
8 241411 Secondary School Teacher*
9 242211 Vocational Education Teacher
10 251411 Optometrist
11 251511 Hospital Pharmacist*
12 251513 Retail Pharmacist*
13 252312 Dentist*
14 252411 Occupational Therapist*
15 252511 Physiotherapist*
16 252712 Speech Pathologist*
17 253111 General Practitioner*
18 253112 Resident Medical Officer*
19 253211 Anaesthetist*
20 253311 Specialist Physician (General Medicine)*
21 253411 Psychiatrist*
22 253511 Surgeon (General)*
23 253514 Orthopaedic Surgeon*
24 253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist*
25 253915 Pathologist*
26 253917 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist
27 254111 Midwife*
28 254211 Nurse Educator
29 254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care)*
30 254417 Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation)*
31 254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice)*
32 254499 Registered Nurses nec*
33 272112 Drug and Alcohol Counsellor
34 272199 Counsellors nec
35 272311 Clinical Psychologist*
36 272399 Psychologists nec*
37 272511 Social Worker
38 321211 Motor Mechanic (General)
39 322311 Metal Fabricator
40 323211 Fitter (General)
41 331212 Carpenter
42 334111 Plumber (General)
43 341111 Electrician (General)
44 342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic
45 351111 Baker
46 351112 Pastrycook
47 351311 Chef
48 351411 Cook
49 391111 Hairdresser
50 411411 Enrolled Nurse
51 411611 Massage Therapist
52 411712 Disabilities Services Officer
53 431411 Hotel Service Manager

*Must provide evidence of Australian licence/registration or a statement outlining eligibility to obtain registration or licence to work in Australia.

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