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List of Occupations Eligible for South Australia SA Offshore Stream

Published 29 Oct 2023 / Updated 29 Oct 2023

location anzsco_code occupation eligible_190 eligible_491
0 Offshore 131112 Sales and Marketing Manager βœ… βœ…
1 Offshore 131113 Advertising Manager βœ… βœ…
2 Offshore 131114 Public Relations Manager ❌ βœ…
3 Offshore 132111 Corporate Services Manager βœ… βœ…
4 Offshore 133111 Construction Project Manager βœ… βœ…
5 Offshore 133112 Project Builder ❌ βœ…
6 Offshore 134211 Medical Administrator / Medical Superintendent ❌ βœ…
7 Offshore 134212 Nursing Clinical Director βœ… βœ…
8 Offshore 134213 Primary Health Organisation Manager βœ… βœ…
9 Offshore 134214 Welfare Centre Manager βœ… βœ…
10 Offshore 134299 Health and Welfare Services Managers nec βœ… βœ…
11 Offshore 134311 School Principal βœ… βœ…
12 Offshore 224412 Policy Analyst ❌ βœ…
13 Offshore 224712 Organisation and Methods Analyst ❌ βœ…
14 Offshore 224713 Management Consultant ❌ βœ…
15 Offshore 224912 Liaison Officer ❌ βœ…
16 Offshore 224914 Patents Examiner ❌ βœ…
17 Offshore 224999 Information and Organisation Professionals nec ❌ βœ…
18 Offshore 231111 Aeroplane Pilot ❌ βœ…
19 Offshore 231113 Flying Instructor ❌ βœ…
20 Offshore 231114 Helicopter Pilot ❌ βœ…
21 Offshore 231213 Ship\'s Master ❌ βœ…
22 Offshore 232111 Architect ❌ βœ…
23 Offshore 232112 Landscape Architect ❌ βœ…
24 Offshore 232611 Urban and Regional Planner ❌ βœ…
25 Offshore 233611 Mining Engineer (excluding Petroleum) βœ… βœ…
26 Offshore 233612 Petroleum Engineer βœ… βœ…
27 Offshore 234111 Agricultural Consultant ❌ βœ…
28 Offshore 234113 Forester / Forest Scientist ❌ βœ…
29 Offshore 234211 Chemist ❌ βœ…
30 Offshore 234212 Food Technologist ❌ βœ…
31 Offshore 234213 Wine Maker ❌ βœ…
32 Offshore 234311 Conservation Officer ❌ βœ…
33 Offshore 234312 Environmental Consultant ❌ βœ…
34 Offshore 234313 Environmental Research Scientist ❌ βœ…
35 Offshore 234399 Environmental Scientists nec ❌ βœ…
36 Offshore 234511 Life Scientist (General) ❌ βœ…
37 Offshore 234513 Biochemist ❌ βœ…
38 Offshore 234514 Biotechnologist ❌ βœ…
39 Offshore 234515 Botanist ❌ βœ…
40 Offshore 234516 Marine Biologist ❌ βœ…
41 Offshore 234517 Microbiologist ❌ βœ…
42 Offshore 234599 Life Scientists nec ❌ βœ…
43 Offshore 234711 Veterinarian ❌ βœ…
44 Offshore 234911 Conservator ❌ βœ…
45 Offshore 234912 Metallurgist ❌ βœ…
46 Offshore 234913 Meteorologist ❌ βœ…
47 Offshore 234914 Physicist βœ… βœ…
48 Offshore 234915 Exercise Physiologist ❌ βœ…
49 Offshore 234999 Natural and Physical Science Professionals nec βœ… βœ…
50 Offshore 241111 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teacher βœ… βœ…
51 Offshore 241213 Primary School Teacher βœ… βœ…
52 Offshore 241311 Middle School Teacher / Intermediate School Teacher βœ… βœ…
53 Offshore 241411 Secondary School Teacher βœ… βœ…
54 Offshore 241511 Special Needs Teacher βœ… βœ…
55 Offshore 241512 Teacher of the Hearing Impaired βœ… βœ…
56 Offshore 241513 Teacher of the Sight Impaired βœ… βœ…
57 Offshore 241599 Special Education Teachers nec βœ… βœ…
58 Offshore 242111 University Lecturer ❌ βœ…
59 Offshore 242211 Vocational Education Teacher / Polytechnic Teacher ❌ βœ…
60 Offshore 249111 Education Adviser βœ… βœ…
61 Offshore 249211 Art Teacher (Private Tuition) ❌ βœ…
62 Offshore 249212 Dance Teacher (Private Tuition) ❌ βœ…
63 Offshore 249214 Music Teacher (Private Tuition) ❌ βœ…
64 Offshore 249299 Private Tutors and Teachers nec ❌ βœ…
65 Offshore 251211 Medical Diagnostic Radiographer βœ… βœ…
66 Offshore 251212 Medical Radiation Therapist βœ… βœ…
67 Offshore 251213 Nuclear Medicine Technologist βœ… βœ…
68 Offshore 251214 Sonographer βœ… βœ…
69 Offshore 251311 Environmental Health Officer ❌ βœ…
70 Offshore 251312 Occupational Health and Safety Adviser βœ… βœ…
71 Offshore 251411 Optometrist βœ… βœ…
72 Offshore 251412 Orthoptist βœ… βœ…
73 Offshore 251511 Hospital Pharmacist βœ… βœ…
74 Offshore 251512 Industrial Pharmacist βœ… βœ…
75 Offshore 251513 Retail Pharmacist βœ… βœ…
76 Offshore 251911 Health Promotion Officer βœ… βœ…
77 Offshore 251912 Orthotist or Prosthetist βœ… βœ…
78 Offshore 251999 Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals nec βœ… βœ…
79 Offshore 252111 Chiropractor βœ… βœ…
80 Offshore 252112 Osteopath βœ… βœ…
81 Offshore 252311 Dental Specialist βœ… βœ…
82 Offshore 252312 Dentist ❌ βœ…
83 Offshore 252411 Occupational Therapist βœ… βœ…
84 Offshore 252511 Physiotherapist βœ… βœ…
85 Offshore 252611 Podiatrist βœ… βœ…
86 Offshore 252711 Audiologist βœ… βœ…
87 Offshore 252712 Speech Pathologist / Speech Language Therapist βœ… βœ…
88 Offshore 253111 General Practitioner βœ… βœ…
89 Offshore 253112 Resident Medical Officer βœ… βœ…
90 Offshore 253211 Anaesthetist ❌ βœ…
91 Offshore 253311 Specialist Physician (General Medicine) βœ… βœ…
92 Offshore 253312 Cardiologist βœ… βœ…
93 Offshore 253313 Clinical Haematologist βœ… βœ…
94 Offshore 253314 Medical Oncologist βœ… βœ…
95 Offshore 253315 Endocrinologist βœ… βœ…
96 Offshore 253316 Gastroenterologist βœ… βœ…
97 Offshore 253317 Intensive Care Specialist βœ… βœ…
98 Offshore 253318 Neurologist βœ… βœ…
99 Offshore 253321 Paediatrician βœ… βœ…
100 Offshore 253322 Renal Medicine Specialist βœ… βœ…
101 Offshore 253323 Rheumatologist βœ… βœ…
102 Offshore 253324 Thoracic Medicine Specialist βœ… βœ…
103 Offshore 253399 Specialist Physicians nec βœ… βœ…
104 Offshore 253411 Psychiatrist βœ… βœ…
105 Offshore 253511 Surgeon (General) βœ… βœ…
106 Offshore 253512 Cardiothoracic Surgeon βœ… βœ…
107 Offshore 253513 Neurosurgeon βœ… βœ…
108 Offshore 253514 Orthopaedic Surgeon βœ… βœ…
109 Offshore 253515 Otorhinolaryngologist βœ… βœ…
110 Offshore 253516 Paediatric Surgeon βœ… βœ…
111 Offshore 253517 Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon βœ… βœ…
112 Offshore 253518 Urologist βœ… βœ…
113 Offshore 253521 Vascular Surgeon βœ… βœ…
114 Offshore 253911 Dermatologist βœ… βœ…
115 Offshore 253912 Emergency Medicine Specialist βœ… βœ…
116 Offshore 253913 Obstetrician and Gynaecologist βœ… βœ…
117 Offshore 253914 Ophthalmologist βœ… βœ…
118 Offshore 253915 Pathologist βœ… βœ…
119 Offshore 253917 Diagnostic and Interventional Radiologist βœ… βœ…
120 Offshore 253918 Radiation Oncologist βœ… βœ…
121 Offshore 253999 Medical Practitioners nec βœ… βœ…
122 Offshore 254111 Midwife βœ… βœ…
123 Offshore 254211 Nurse Educator βœ… βœ…
124 Offshore 254212 Nurse Researcher βœ… βœ…
125 Offshore 254311 Nurse Manager βœ… βœ…
126 Offshore 254411 Nurse Practitioner βœ… βœ…
127 Offshore 254412 Registered Nurse (Aged Care) βœ… βœ…
128 Offshore 254413 Registered Nurse (Child and Family Health) βœ… βœ…
129 Offshore 254414 Registered Nurse (Community Health) βœ… βœ…
130 Offshore 254415 Registered Nurse (Critical Care and Emergency) βœ… βœ…
131 Offshore 254416 Registered Nurse (Developmental Disability) βœ… βœ…
132 Offshore 254417 Registered Nurse (Disability and Rehabilitation) βœ… βœ…
133 Offshore 254418 Registered Nurse (Medical) βœ… βœ…
134 Offshore 254421 Registered Nurse (Medical Practice) βœ… βœ…
135 Offshore 254422 Registered Nurse (Mental Health) βœ… βœ…
136 Offshore 254423 Registered Nurse (Perioperative) βœ… βœ…
137 Offshore 254424 Registered Nurse (Surgical) βœ… βœ…
138 Offshore 254425 Registered Nurse (Paediatrics) βœ… βœ…
139 Offshore 254499 Registered Nurses nec βœ… βœ…
140 Offshore 272111 Careers Counsellor ❌ βœ…
141 Offshore 272112 Drug and Alcohol Counsellor βœ… βœ…
142 Offshore 272113 Family and Marriage Counsellor ❌ βœ…
143 Offshore 272114 Rehabilitation Counsellor ❌ βœ…
144 Offshore 272115 Student Counsellor ❌ βœ…
145 Offshore 272199 Counsellors nec ❌ βœ…
146 Offshore 272311 Clinical Psychologist βœ… βœ…
147 Offshore 272312 Educational Psychologist βœ… βœ…
148 Offshore 272313 Organisational Psychologist βœ… βœ…
149 Offshore 272314 Psychotherapist βœ… βœ…
150 Offshore 272399 Psychologists nec βœ… βœ…
151 Offshore 272499 Social Professionals nec βœ… βœ…
152 Offshore 272611 Community Arts Worker ❌ βœ…
153 Offshore 272612 Recreation Officer / Recreation Coordinator ❌ βœ…
154 Offshore 272613 Welfare Worker ❌ βœ…
155 Offshore 311212 Cardiac Technician ❌ βœ…
156 Offshore 311213 Medical Laboratory Technician ❌ βœ…
157 Offshore 311214 Operating Theatre Technician ❌ βœ…
158 Offshore 311215 Pharmacy Technician ❌ βœ…
159 Offshore 311216 Pathology Collector / Phlebotomist ❌ βœ…
160 Offshore 311299 Medical Technicians nec ❌ βœ…
161 Offshore 311411 Chemistry Technician ❌ βœ…
162 Offshore 311412 Earth Science Technician ❌ βœ…
163 Offshore 311413 Life Science Technician ❌ βœ…
164 Offshore 311499 Science Technicians nec ❌ βœ…
165 Offshore 312111 Architectural Draftsperson ❌ βœ…
166 Offshore 312113 Building Inspector ❌ βœ…
167 Offshore 312114 Construction Estimator ❌ βœ…
168 Offshore 312116 Surveying or Spatial Science Technician ❌ βœ…
169 Offshore 312199 Architectural, Building and Surveying Technicians nec ❌ βœ…
170 Offshore 312211 Civil Engineering Draftsperson ❌ βœ…
171 Offshore 312212 Civil Engineering Technician ❌ βœ…
172 Offshore 312511 Mechanical Engineering Draftsperson ❌ βœ…
173 Offshore 312512 Mechanical Engineering Technician ❌ βœ…
174 Offshore 321111 Automotive Electrician ❌ βœ…
175 Offshore 321211 Motor Mechanic (General) ❌ βœ…
176 Offshore 321212 Diesel Motor Mechanic βœ… βœ…
177 Offshore 321213 Motorcycle Mechanic ❌ βœ…
178 Offshore 321214 Small Engine Mechanic ❌ βœ…
179 Offshore 322211 Sheetmetal Worker βœ… βœ…
180 Offshore 322311 Metal Fabricator βœ… βœ…
181 Offshore 322312 Pressure Welder βœ… βœ…
182 Offshore 322313 Welder (First Class) (Aus) / Welder (NZ) βœ… βœ…
183 Offshore 323111 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Avionics) βœ… βœ…
184 Offshore 323112 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Mechanical) βœ… βœ…
185 Offshore 323113 Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (Structures) βœ… βœ…
186 Offshore 323211 Fitter (General) βœ… βœ…
187 Offshore 323212 Fitter and Turner βœ… βœ…
188 Offshore 323213 Fitter-Welder βœ… βœ…
189 Offshore 323214 Metal Machinist (First Class) βœ… βœ…
190 Offshore 323299 Metal Fitters and Machinists nec βœ… βœ…
191 Offshore 323314 Precision Instrument Maker and Repairer βœ… βœ…
192 Offshore 323412 Toolmaker ❌ βœ…
193 Offshore 324111 Panelbeater ❌ βœ…
194 Offshore 324211 Vehicle Body Builder ❌ βœ…
195 Offshore 324212 Vehicle Trimmer ❌ βœ…
196 Offshore 324311 Vehicle Painter ❌ βœ…
197 Offshore 331111 Bricklayer βœ… βœ…
198 Offshore 331112 Stonemason βœ… βœ…
199 Offshore 331211 Carpenter and Joiner βœ… βœ…
200 Offshore 331212 Carpenter βœ… βœ…
201 Offshore 331213 Joiner βœ… βœ…
202 Offshore 332111 Floor Finisher ❌ βœ…
203 Offshore 332211 Painter ❌ βœ…
204 Offshore 333111 Glazier βœ… βœ…
205 Offshore 333211 Plasterer (Wall and Ceiling) βœ… βœ…
206 Offshore 333212 Renderer (Solid Plaster) βœ… βœ…
207 Offshore 333311 Roof Tiler βœ… βœ…
208 Offshore 333411 Wall and Floor Tiler βœ… βœ…
209 Offshore 334112 Airconditioning and Mechanical Services Plumber βœ… βœ…
210 Offshore 334113 Drainer βœ… βœ…
211 Offshore 334114 Gasfitter βœ… βœ…
212 Offshore 334115 Roof Plumber βœ… βœ…
213 Offshore 341111 Electrician (General) βœ… βœ…
214 Offshore 341112 Electrician (Special Class) βœ… βœ…
215 Offshore 341113 Lift Mechanic βœ… βœ…
216 Offshore 342111 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanic βœ… βœ…
217 Offshore 342211 Electrical Linesworker / Electrical Line Mechanic ❌ βœ…
218 Offshore 342212 Technical Cable Jointer βœ… βœ…
219 Offshore 342311 Business Machine Mechanic βœ… βœ…
220 Offshore 342313 Electronic Equipment Trades Worker βœ… βœ…
221 Offshore 342314 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (General) βœ… βœ…
222 Offshore 342315 Electronic Instrument Trades Worker (Special Class) βœ… βœ…
223 Offshore 342411 Cabler (Data and Telecommunications) βœ… βœ…
224 Offshore 342413 Telecommunications Linesworker / Telecommunications Line Mechanic βœ… βœ…
225 Offshore 351111 Baker ❌ βœ…
226 Offshore 351112 Pastrycook ❌ βœ…
227 Offshore 351211 Butcher or Smallgoods Maker ❌ βœ…
228 Offshore 351311 Chef ❌ βœ…
229 Offshore 351411 Cook ❌ βœ…
230 Offshore 361311 Veterinary Nurse ❌ βœ…
231 Offshore 362411 Nurseryperson ❌ βœ…
232 Offshore 394211 Furniture Finisher ❌ βœ…
233 Offshore 394213 Wood Machinist ❌ βœ…
234 Offshore 394299 Wood Machinists and Other Wood Trades Workers nec ❌ βœ…
235 Offshore 399111 Boat Builder and Repairer ❌ βœ…
236 Offshore 399112 Shipwright ❌ βœ…
237 Offshore 399411 Jeweller ❌ βœ…
238 Offshore 411111 Ambulance Officer ❌ βœ…
239 Offshore 411112 Intensive Care Ambulance Paramedic (Aus) / Ambulance Paramedic (NZ) ❌ βœ…
240 Offshore 411211 Dental Hygienist ❌ βœ…
241 Offshore 411213 Dental Technician ❌ βœ…
242 Offshore 411214 Dental Therapist ❌ βœ…
243 Offshore 411311 Diversional Therapist ❌ βœ…
244 Offshore 411411 Enrolled Nurse ❌ βœ…
245 Offshore 411711 Community Worker ❌ βœ…
246 Offshore 411712 Disabilities Services Officer ❌ βœ…
247 Offshore 411713 Family Support Worker ❌ βœ…
248 Offshore 411715 Residential Care Officer ❌ βœ…
249 Offshore 411716 Youth Worker ❌ βœ…
250 Offshore 611211 Insurance Agent ❌ βœ…

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