I recently received 190 pre invite from vic at 90 points as...
@snappybear7826 (15H ago| Updated 15H ago)I recently received 190 pre invite from vic at 90 points as an early childhood teacher and i work as an ect as well. I just wanted to ask, does the department call the employer after submitting documents for nomination approval?
They can email, call and/or use any other means available at their disposal to verify your employment. if you have claimed employment, it must be verifiable.
3 replies
Thank you so much for replying. I have all the evidences, my contract, super statement, payslips and bank statement. I just wanted to know what the trend is. If it is a 100 percent they will call or in some cases documents are enough
they will call selectively depending on their case assessment + your supporting evidence provided. You should work with the assumption that they can call.
Thank you so much