Do I need to submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) for SA?
See all FAQsUpdate for FY2024-25
- For onshore: ROI+EOI Required.
- For offshore: Only EOI required.
What were the rules in FY2023-24?
Do you need a Registration of Interest (ROI) in addition to a SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI) ?
- π¦Are you onshore ? Yes you need ROI.
- π Are you offshore ? Check your occupation here.
- Under your occupation, look at Offshore Stream.
- If it says Top ranking offshore candidates who have submitted an Expression of Interest in the Department of Home Affairs' SkillSelect may be invited to apply for South Australian nomination , then you dont need ROI. EOI is enough.
- But if it says Offshore candidates may be eligible under the Highly Skilled & Talented category, then you need ROI in addition to EOI. This is because, for this occupation, you are only eligible under Highly Skilled & Talented stream (and meet the requirements applicable to this stream).
- Lastly if it says This occupation is not open to Offshore candidates, then you are not eligible to apply for SA nomination at all.