What do career episodes for EA skill assessment consist of ?
See all FAQsCareer Episode consist of:
The introduction of a Career Episode report for Engineers Australia should be about 100 words. It should mention when you undertook the activity and for what purpose (education or career), the dates and duration of the engineering activity you chose, the name of the organization and the location of your project, and the position you occupied in the company.
You should provide the background information in about 200 to 500 words. Here, you can mention your project objectives, the nature of the overall engineering project, and something about the nature of the work area in which you executed the project. You may also include an Organogram or Organization Chart to show your particular position in the projectβs hierarchy during that particular Career Episode and your official duty statement or job description here.
Engineering Activity
This is where you actually start writing about the work you did as an engineer. This section should be 500 to 1000 words long. Here you can mention your particular role in the team, the engineering tasks that were entrusted to you and how you accomplished them; the engineering knowledge and skills you applied during the project; how you coordinated with the team, and the strategies you used to complete the project successfully. Highlight the technical difficulties or challenges you faced during the project and how you overcame them.
The summary should be 50 to 100 words long and quickly mention your overall impression of the project or engineering activity you did. You can also mention whether the project met its goals or not or how successful it was. If the project was praised by an authority, you can mention it here too.
π Do not forget to include a line about your personal contribution to the project while concluding your Career Episode.