Hi all, Was wondering if anyone could offer some advice on...
@mobambassa (9H ago| Updated 9H ago)Hi all,
Was wondering if anyone could offer some advice on this:
I've been waiting since 15th April 2024 for a 190 invite as a developer programmer 261312 based in SA(SA Graduate Pathway) and been working in my nominated occupation for the past 2 years as well. My points were 85 last year for 190 and 80 for 189. It recently went up to 90 points for 190 this Feb. Does anyone know if SA is going to be doing another invitation round soon? I've noticed heaps of offshore applicants being nominated from SA and am a bit a worried that this is the current trend. Curious to know others thoughts on this as there's even a change.org petition with 900+ signatures complaining about the same this year https://www.change.org/p/prioritise-onshore-candidates-in-sa-migration-for-permanent-residency-invitations
Just wondering if I'm doing anything wrong or different in my EOI or ROI. It has only 2 options ticked i.e 1 for 189(as I was eligible) and the other being 190 with SA being chosen as the preferred nominating state. Is this accurate? Was I supposed to have NOT chosen 189 and only selected 190(SA nomination) exclusively. My backup option is the 186 DE but I need to wait another year to meet the 3 year work experience mark. Just been feeling a bit let down recently with SA nominations as they invited applicants last year with just 70 points and a lot of my friends in similar occupations got the invite.
Nothing wrong with your EOI. Hope you get invite soon. Yes, keep 186DE as backup option. https://smartvisaguide.com/frequently-asked-questions/how-many-EOI-expression-of-interest
Thanks mate, fingers crossed!