question! I am right now very anxious and losing my mind...
@intelligentprimate (1D ago| Updated 1D ago)question! I am right now very anxious and losing my mind about the pre-invite/ invitation to apply. EOIs for SA and WA were submitted on 19 Feb, below are my details. Realistically, when I can expect any movement on this? Just so that I know how long to wait.
Occupation: HR advisor Points: 100 (85+15) Offshore: India
Your profile is decent, if invites go out for offshore HR you have decent chance (but invites may be few and far)
Apply all eligible states
There is no typical wait times for pre invites. Could be a few days for super competitive profiles, and never days for uncompetitive ones.
Thank you, I have applied for VIC and ACT as well, but I am sure I have a snowflake's chance in hell for those states. Oh well, I guess I just have to wait. Thank you for this though.
Did you apply for 491? I hope you know that 491 is a temporary visa not a permanent one. No one can predict the pre-invites.
yes, thanks! I am aware. I'd only like to understand typical waiting times